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Find Your Way with Our Online Compass Tool

A compass is a tool for determining direction. It is one of the most crucial navigational tools. The most popular kind of compass is a magnetic compass. Due to their widespread use, the word "compass" now almost usually refers to a magnetic compass. Although this sort of compass has undergone substantial design and construction changes throughout the years, its basic operation has not altered. A magnetised needle that is permitted to rotate to align with the Earth's magnetic field makes up magnetic compasses. The ends are oriented toward magnetic north and south, respectively.

How to Calibrate Magnetic Compass?

While holding your device and following the method shown in above picture, move your phone around three times, tracing a figure eight in the process. This will calibrate your phones compass.

Major reasons of improper reading of compass is due to magnetic fields and metalic objects near to the phone. Avoid plaing your phone near magnetic field like laptop, etc.

How magnetic compass works?

The mobile phone's electronic compass is an extremely useful tool. The Magnetometer sensor is the essential part of the electronic compass.

Your tablet or smartphone's magnetometer sensor also makes use of cutting-edge solid state technology to build a tiny Hall-effect sensor t hat measures the Earth's magnetic field along three vertical axes, X, Y, and Z.

The magnetometer is housed in a tiny electronic chip, which frequently includes an additional sensor (usually an integrated accelerometer) that aids in the correction of the raw magnetic measurements using tilt data from the auxiliary sensor.

The magnetometer is essential for determining the relative orientation of your device to the magnetic north of the Earth in addition to typical rotational information.

Which way is north?

Knowing that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, your left hand should indicate north when you face east, and your right hand should indicate south. It will be the opposite way around if you are in the Southern Hemisphere.

Uses of compass for Vastu Shastra

Our online compass goes beyond traditional navigation tools by integrating ancient wisdom with modern technology. We've incorporated principles from Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science, to provide users with directional guidance that promotes harmony and balance in their surroundings.

Vastu Shastra offers insights into the optimal alignment of living spaces with natural energies. By integrating Vastu principles into our compass tool, users can not only find their way but also enhance the flow of positive energy within their homes, promoting well-being and prosperity.

Which direction is good for sleeping?

According to Vastu principles, sleeping with your head towards the South or East fosters better health and prosperity. Our compass aids in identifying optimal sleeping directions, promoting restful sleep and overall wellness.

The orientation of your sleeping position can significantly impact your physical health and mental well-being. Our compass tool helps users identify optimal sleeping directions based on Vastu principles, fostering restful sleep and rejuvenation.

Five Elements of Vaastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra is based on the five essential elements — Prithvi (earth), Agni (fire), Tej (light), Vayu (wind), and Akash (ether), which are known as panchabhutas. The entire universe including the earth and the human body is believed to be made up of these five elements which influence the cosmic forces and forms of energy. You can see the directions naming in sunskruit is as per these five elements.

What are the basic rules of Vastu Shastra "science of architecture"?

Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science, emphasizes the harmonious alignment of living spaces with natural forces to promote well-being and prosperity. It defines the flow of air, light, and magnetic fields within a house to facilitate the easy movement and alignment of essential elements such as fire, water, air, light, and the Earth's magnetic field.

Best position for sofa: According to Vastu Shastra, the ideal position for a sofa is against a solid wall in the living room, preferably in the south or west direction. This promotes stability and support, allowing for comfortable seating and fostering positive energy flow in the space.

Kitchen: The kitchen holds significant importance in Vastu Shastra as it represents the source of nourishment and prosperity. It is recommended to place the kitchen in the southeast corner of the house, with the cooking stove positioned facing east. This ensures that the cook faces east while preparing meals, harnessing the beneficial energy of the rising sun.

Puja Room (Deoghar): The puja room, or Deoghar, is a sacred space dedicated to spiritual practices and rituals. It is ideally located in the northeast corner of the house, as this direction is associated with purity and divine energy. The puja room should be kept clean and clutter-free, with idols or sacred objects placed facing east or north.

Main Entrance: The main entrance of the house is considered the gateway for energy flow and prosperity. It is recommended to have a well-lit and welcoming entrance facing east or north to invite positive energy into the home. Avoid obstacles or clutter near the entrance to ensure smooth energy flow.

Stairs: Stairs should be positioned in a clockwise direction and located in the southwest, south, or west areas of the house. This placement ensures stability and upward movement, promoting progress and prosperity for the inhabitants.

Small and Big Trees: Trees play a vital role in Vastu Shastra as they influence the flow of energy around the house. Small trees can be planted in the northeast or east direction to enhance positivity and growth, while large trees are best positioned in the southwest or west to provide stability and protection.

Bedroom Position: Bedrooms should ideally be located in the southwest or south direction of the house, promoting restful sleep and relaxation. The bed should be placed with the head towards the south or east and away from any sharp corners or beams to ensure peaceful energy flow.

Toilets: Toilets should be located in the northwest or west direction of the house and kept closed when not in use to prevent the outflow of energy. It is essential to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the toilet area to avoid negative energy accumulation.

Staircase: Staircases should be designed to promote smooth and uninterrupted movement between floors. Avoid spiral or irregularly shaped staircases, and ensure adequate lighting and handrails for safety and convenience.

Parking: Parking spaces should be located in the northeast or north direction of the house, ensuring that vehicles face east or north while parked. This placement promotes positive energy flow and prevents obstruction of the main entrance.

Study Room: The study room should ideally be located in the northeast or east direction of the house, promoting concentration, creativity, and academic success. Ensure ample natural light and a clutter-free environment to enhance productivity and focus.

By adhering to the principles of Vastu Shastra and implementing appropriate arrangements for these key areas, individuals can create living spaces that are harmoniously aligned with natural energies, fostering balance, prosperity, and well-being.

Deep meaning of vastushastra as per sunskruit

In Vastu Shastra, the flow of air and sunlight is of utmost importance as it directly impacts the balance and harmony within a living space. According to Vastu principles, the direction of airflow and sunlight is intricately linked to the five elements (Pancha Mahabhutas) – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space (Akasha). Each direction is associated with specific attributes and benefits, aligning with the natural flow of energy and promoting well-being.

  1. Wayu (Air) Direction (Northwest):

    • The northwest direction, known as the Wayu direction, represents the element of Air (Vayu).
    • Adequate airflow in this direction ensures freshness and vitality within the living space, promoting good health and vitality.
    • Proper ventilation in this area facilitates the circulation of positive energy, enhancing mental clarity and overall well-being.

  2. Agni (Fire) Direction (Southeast):

    • The southeast direction, associated with the Agni element (Fire), symbolizes energy and transformation.
    • Sunlight entering from the southeast direction brings warmth and vitality into the home, fostering growth and prosperity.
    • Placement of the kitchen or fireplace in this direction harnesses the energy of Agni, facilitating the preparation of nourishing meals and promoting vitality.

  3. Varuna (Water) Direction (North):

    • The north direction, known as Varuna direction, represents the element of Water (Jal).
    • Sunlight entering from the north direction promotes purity and tranquility, creating a serene and refreshing atmosphere within the home.
    • Placement of water elements such as water tanks or decorative fountains in this direction enhances the flow of positive energy and fosters emotional well-being.

  4. Ishaan (Space) Direction (Northeast):

    • The northeast direction, referred to as the Ishaan direction, symbolizes Space (Akasha) and is considered highly auspicious.
    • Sunlight entering from the northeast direction brings clarity and enlightenment, promoting spiritual growth and inner peace.
    • Placement of sacred spaces such as the puja room or meditation corner in this direction facilitates connection with higher consciousness and aligns with the divine energies.

  5. Nairutya (Earth) Direction (Southwest):

    • The southwest direction, associated with the Nairutya element (Earth), represents stability and grounding.

    • Sunlight entering from the southwest direction provides warmth and security, creating a sense of stability and protection within the home.

    • Placement of heavy furniture or structural elements in this direction enhances the sense of security and promotes longevity.

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